The John B. Pierce Laboratory

John B. Pierce Laboratory members show off their cool science at the 2017 Society for Neuroscience meeting in Washington, D.C.

TEST3Three labs of the John B. Pierce Laboratory (Pieribone, Stachenfeld, Verhagen) went to D.C. to show and discuss their ongoing work among some of the ~30,000 (!) neuroscientists there.  Of course after the posters and symposia there’s always a lot of catching up to do with other collea
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Dr. Pieribone awarded multi-million-dollar DARPA contract to explore ways to create systems where the brain transforms digital images into the equivalent of eyesight

TEST3Published in YALE NEWS on November 14, 2017 Written by Sonya Collins A research team led by Vincent Pieribone (left) is exploring ways to create systems where the brain transforms digital images into the equivalent of eyesight.… Continue Reading ?

More Than Half Full: Our Bodies, Water, and Balance

TEST3written by Rick Harrison, Communications Officer, Women’s Health Research at Yale There is a reason NASA scientists have been looking for water on Mars, and that’s because, at least on Earth, water is life.… Continue Reading ?

A study by scientists Ivan de Araujo, Wenfei Han, and team suggests the origin of hunting behavior may come from two set of neurons tucked deep in the forebrain of most vertebrates

TEST3(Yale Press Release) Activating these neurons in living mice prompt them to pursue never seen before prey and to bite everything in their path, even sticks and bottle caps, the researchers report in the January 12, 2017 issue of the journal Cell.… Continue Reading ?

Tessa Adler awarded the Undergraduate Research Excellence Fellowship from the American Physiological Society

TEST3Congratulations to Tessa Adler, Yale undergraduate student in the lab of Dr. Nina Stachenfeld, who was awarded the Undergraduate Research Excellence Fellowship from the American Physiological Society. This competitive APS program funds only six full-time undergraduate students with si
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Dr. Usselman’s published work chosen as an APSselect Paper

TEST3Charlotte Usselman, PhD has been a Post Doctoral Fellow in Dr. Nina Stachenfeld’s laboratory since November, 2015.  Before coming to the Pierce Laboratory, Dr. Usselman trained in Kevin Shoemaker’s laboratory at Western University (Canada), one of the most prestigious laboratories in
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Research Scientists develop model for studying Alzheimer’s disease

TEST3By Ziba Kashef The vast majority of Alzheimer’s disease cases are not directly inherited but linked to environmental and genetic factors. Yet most models used for studying Alzheimer’s in animals mimic the inherited form of the disease.… Continue Reading ?

Drs. Stachenfeld and Usselman receive the Paul E. Titus Fellowship in Obstetrics for 2016-2017

TEST3Drs. Nina Stachenfeld and Charlotte Usselman are recipients of the Paul E. Titus Fellowship in Obstetrics at Yale School of Medicine for 2016-2017.  This fund supports research into adverse pregnancy outcomes. … Continue Reading ?

Colors of the covert world of the deep

TEST3By Madhuvanthi Kannan Inhabiting the darkest realms of ocean waters near the Gulf of Mexico, animals such as the catshark use body fluorescence as a privy code to find and be found by their peers…and even perhaps, evade potential predators.… Continue Reading ?